A catalyst for the creation and growth of positive organisations.
POS is concerned primarily with the study of especially positive outcomes, processes, and attributes of organisations and their members. POS is distinguished from traditional organisational studies in that it seeks to understand what represents the best of the human condition.
Positive Leadership in action
Africa’s leaders of the POS movement.
Creating a positive work-life and performance.
Positive Leadership
For the Results-Driving Senior Leader
Top-performing companies have certain ingredients of success in common and Positive Leadership is one of them. Years of research show that focusing on the strengths of individuals and organizations delivers significantly better business results than leadership methods targeting weaknesses and deficiencies.
Management of Managers
For the Empowering Manager
Do you have the skills and complex leadership savvy to support the management teams both above and below you? Learn to manage across units, make integrated decisions, and bring out the best in all your key players with a high-performance work environment.
Emerging Leaders
For the Newly Positioned Leader
Learn the art and science of good leadership. Emerge with the skills to set a vision for change, inspire your team, and deliver results.
Leading High-performing Teams
For the Team Architect
Unleash the power of your high-talent teams. When critical outcomes depend on your leadership, learn best practices to sustain high performance using fewer resources. Leading virtual and cross-cultural teams is explored.
Negotiating for Positive Results
For the Opportunity Creator
Transform the way you do business. Whether in high-stakes deals or daily office interactions, the ways you find value for all parties defines your success. Overcome the cross-cultural and interpersonal factors at play in all your critical relationships.
Advanced Leadership in Action
For the Adventurer
Go out of the classroom and on to Kilimanjaro. Research proves learning in an ambigious environment has the most impact on advancing your skills. Transform your leadership approach through this once-in-a-lifetime development journey.